Welfare Network


Project Summary:

A child was diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma and his chemotherapy was started at Children’s Hospital, Lahore (Medical record number 2665-7611-6131) since December 2017 and 5 cycles of chemotherapy ended in January 2018. According to the plans his liver surgery was planned on 7th Feb, 2018 but it could not be performed because Mustafa’s platelet counts were lower than 100,000 and it was not safe to proceed for this invasive surgery. Then he was treated with infusions of blood, fresh frozen plasma, mega units of platelets etc. so that his counts could be improved but this could only be achieved after almost 1.5 months and he was opened for liver surgery on 27th March at Children’s Hospital, Lahore. When the surgeons opened him, they noticed that liver is irresectable as it is multinodular disease stating that he is a candidate for liver transplant. They performed wedge biopsy and closed him up. But he caught severe infection and the culture and cytology reports showed infection of multi-resistant bacteria. He was treated with antibiotics for the whole month of April, 2018.

His infection got cleared by start of May, 2018 and then a doctor initiated the process for liver transplant at Al-shifa hospital, Islamabad and helped forwarding the application for funds from Chief Minister’s healthcare funds. Application was placed for PKR 5 million on 08-05-2018 but nothing has been received because of the lengthy paper work. Child's condition has become extremely critical. The fluid from liver keeps oozing out from the stitches and his stitches have not healed since 27th March. The situation is further complicated by the accumulation of fluid within his belly putting pressure on his visceral organs. The parents cannot watch their child in this condition and it is very painful to see them waiting for the funds for transplant.

Beneficiary ID:

Personal data redacted for privacy.

Project Handler:

Barkat Foundation

Expenditure Archive:


Project Target:

To expedite the Chief Minister’s healthcare funds approval process.

Project Status:

24th May 2018
The child expired on 24th May 2018 since his surgical procedure could not be initiated due to lack of funds. The overall time involved in application and approval of funds was way too much in this case. He was considered a candidate for liver transplant on 27th March after his invasive surgery (as reported by the child’s family) but official hospital Verification was done on 7th May and application to Chief Minister by parents for funds approval was sent on 8th May. Though he could not be operated between 27th March and 8th May due to his infection but these 40 days could have been used to carry out the funds approval process. From 8th May onwards the application approval protocol took about 11 days to reach the commissioner by 19th May and yet it was not finished. In the meantime the child’s condition kept deteriorating. Welfare Network came to know about this case around 20th May and published the case online and on facebook in order to find someone who could expedite the approval process but failed. The child left us for his heavenly abode on 24th May.

Even sharing would help!

Project Verification:
Welfare Network

Welfare Network Charity Employees